Volume 2, no. 2 (2021)

Urban Identities – Renewal and Heritage (Part II)

Róbert Balogh and Csaba Zahorán

Special Editors of the Thematic Issue

Published on 20 February 2022




Alica Kurhajcová

From Monarchy to Republic: Symbolic Assumption of Power in Zvolen County’s Towns as Reflected in Memorial Culture

DOI: https://doi.org/10.51918/ceh.2021.2.1

The main goal of the paper is to detect the creation and enhancement of the new Czechoslovak statehood and the Czechoslovak, let us say, the Slovak national identity after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. The paper aimes at demonstrating and comparing the practice of the symbolic assumption and establishment of power via the example of memorial culture in public spaces in the territory of the most significant towns located in Zvolen county (Banská Bystrica, Brezno and Zvolen). There are also partial aims: namely, to make the reader acquainted with the form and symbolism in three distinct periods: before 1918, subsequently in the first years of integration of Slovakia within Czechoslovakia until 1920 or 1921, and finally in the first decade of the republic´s existence. Following the behavioral patterns of communal elites and inhabitants of these towns, facing new reality, it is also possible to take into consideration the social psychological processes such as acceptance, integration, adaptation, resistance, continuity, discontinuity, which were typical for the initial decade of the First Czechoslovak Republic´s establishment. Finally, yet importantly, it is possible to examine their attitude towards history and cultural heritage of their town.

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Zoltán Bereczki – Éva Lovra

Tears in the Fabric of Cities in the Socialist Successor States of Austria-Hungary after World War II

DOI: https://doi.org/10.51918/ceh.2021.2.2

It is needed to reinterpret the concept of plots and internal systems in the context of urban structure and the built environment due to the urban planning decisions of the 20th century. The study deals with tears of historic urban tissues (roads, new urban structures), and settlement-like or individual enclaves of buildings in the post-World War II period. In the focus of the research methodology and criteria system of discussed in the study stands the street network (space syntax), the plot structure (urban morphology) and the construction, i.e. the relationship between buildings and open spaces (space syntax: convex analysis, visibility analysis; urban morphology). The criteria system, even the city itself, has several layers. The study of the three cities that once belonged to the Austria-Hungary, Miskolc, Košice (SK) and Subotica (RS), reveals the location- and country-specific nature of the structural changes and can provide a basis for further studies.

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Dana Kušnírová

From City to Agglomeration: Socialist Industrialization and Development of City Limits in Košice, Slovakia 1945-1989

DOI: https://doi.org/10.51918/ceh.2021.2.3

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Klara Kohoutová

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51918/ceh.2021.2.4

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Bence Biró

Atlas Wyszehradzki–Visegrad Atlas. Ed. Przemysław Śleszyński, Konrad Czapiewski

DOI: https://doi.org/10.51918/ceh.2021.2.5

György Lukács B.

Stipe Kljaić, Nikada više Jugoslavija. Intelektualci i hrvatsko nacionalno pitanje, 1929–1945.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.51918/ceh.2021.2.6

Miklós Mitrovits

Béla Tomka, Austerities and Aspirations: A Comparative History of Growth, Consumption, and Quality of Life in East Central Europe Since 1945

DOI: https://doi.org/10.51918/ceh.2021.2.7

Institute of Central European Studies
Ludovika University of Public Services


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